Friday 25 November 2011

Hookalicious store is finally up and running with some dishcloths for sale.

Dishcloth for my Mum

Here is a pic of one of my dishcloths, this one is for my mum.


I really want to get into making more dishcloths. But time is hard to find with three kids under 4 and I am also VERY low on cotton, with the local shop only stocking very limited colours now.....and colours I don't want to use for dishcloths. FRUSTRATED.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Hoot Hoot!

My Hoots are now on Six Little Mice's can check out lots of hoots there....

Friday 19 August 2011


Ok, here is a picture of two of the Hoots I am making for my kids. Just one more to complete.

Thursday 18 August 2011

Hookalicious on facebook.

Hookalicious is now on facebook.....

Hoot Hoot!

I am in the process of making three crochet 'Hoot' toys. Influenced by Hoot from ABC's 'Giggle and Hoot' show. I got the great pattern for free from Six Little Mice (

I am making the three Hoots each in a different shade of blue, so the kids won't end up fighting over them. I have just the feet to make on my last two Hoots, then they will be finished and I will post some pics.

Hoot Hoot!!